Domain Name Search

Email Services

Starting from ₦29,738.10/mo

SSL Certificate

Starting from ₦18,643.33/yr

Website Security

Starting from 11,045/yr


Good things happen here.

Find Available Domains.


Business Protection

Keep your domain locked & in your name

Let's say you forget to renew your domain. Or you change the email address on your site account. This is all it takes for someone to step in and transfer your domain name away without your permission.

Each Domain Includes


Easy Management

Once you use our domain name lookup and find a suitable web address, you can manage your site through a simple interface.



Protect your domain from expiring and accidentally being lost by enabling auto-renewal.


Domain Lock

Once you find your perfect domain, lock it down to prevent unauthorized transfers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a domain name?

A domain name is like the online equivalent of a physical address. It is how visitors to your website can find it.

Like and, is a domain. A domain ought should ideally be registered under the same name as the brand it is intended to represent.

Why do you need to buy a domain name?

To make it easier for potential visitors to find your website, you need have domain names. We would only be able to visit websites if we knew their IP addresses instead of their assigned names.

People can look up websites and find what they are seeking for online much more easily when keywords and brand names are included in domains.

How do I choose the best domain name for my website?

Finding an open domain is only one aspect of selecting and purchasing the finest alternative. Before you check the availability of a domain name and register it, there are a few general best practices to bear in mind.

Length. Keep it brief. It's best to use two to three words.

Simple. Avoid using long or difficult-to-spell terms.

Keywords. Add a keyword from your industry. Try, for instance, if you sell coffee beans there.

Save the numbers. Numbers complicate things and are difficult to remember.

Name brand. For optimum recognition, register a domain with your brand name in it.

Once I buy a domain name, can I change it later?

No, you cannot alter a domain name after registering it. But you can buy a new domain and transfer your website there.

How long does a domain name registration last?

Domain name registrations must last at least a year. If you sure you've found the perfect domain name, you can also,.net,.org, and other domains with IsabiWP Cloud Nigeria for up to three years.

We advise setting up automatic renewal if you want to maintain ownership of your domain and make sure that it is always registered to you and your website.

How do I use the domain checker?

You may check the availability of a domain name by putting it into the search bar at the top of the page to use the website's domain checker.

After that, you can proceed with buying that name, registering it, and even getting a hosting package to go with it.

Should I add www in front of the domain?

No, the www in front of a URL is a subdomain and not a part of your domain.

The final website URL will resemble this if you do put www before your registered domain name: You should only enter the precise terms you wish to appear in the domain because of this.

What do I need to register a domain name with Isabiwp?

There are no unique prerequisites for domain registration at isabiwp. We merely need a working payment method and some basic contact information.

If you wish to use isabiwp's domain checker and purchase a domain, you don't even need to be one of our current customers. You use us to register your domain but point it to a different host.

I already have a domain name. Can I transfer it to isabiwp?

No doubt. When you register a domain, it becomes your property, not the property of the organization you used to do so.

Utilizing our domain transfer service to change to isabiwp is simple. You will be guided through each stage of the procedure by us.

How do I use the domain checker?

You may check the availability of a domain name by putting it into the search bar at the top of the page to use the website's domain checker.

After that, you can proceed with buying that name, registering it, and even getting a hosting package to go with it.

Should I add www in front of the domain?

No, the www in front of a URL is a subdomain and not a part of your domain.

The final website URL will resemble this if you do put www before your registered domain name: You should only enter the precise terms you wish to appear in the domain because of this.

What are TLDs, ccTLDs, and gTLDs?

the top-level domain, or TLD. It is the last element of any domain, such,.org,

ccTLD, or country-code top-level domain, is an acronym. It is a subset of TLDs that is used to identify a specific country; examples,.de,.mx,

The term "generic top-level domain" is gTLD. Because this group domains, which have more registrations than all ccTLDs put together, gTLDs are the most popular type of domain name.

The primary generic top-level domains (gTLDs) in the past,.org,.net,.edu,.gov,; but, with the inclusion of TLDs,.xyz,, the number of possible gTLDs has increased.

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