How to Check If Your VPS or Dedicated Server Is Using SSD or HDD Disk Space

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  • How to Check If Your VPS or Dedicated Server Is Using SSD or HDD Disk Space
DateAug 18, 2024

In the world of web hosting, the type of storage your server uses has a huge impact on its performance. If you’re utilizing a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a dedicated server, understanding if your server is an SSD (Solid State Drive) or HDD (Hard Disk Drive) can help you make better hosting selections. SSDs enable faster data access and dependability, while HDDs provide higher storage capacities for a lesser cost. Here’s a guide to determining the type of disk your server is utilizing.

Why Knowing Your Disk Type is Important

Understanding the type of storage that your server uses is important for various reasons.

  • Performance: SSDs are faster and more incredible than HDDs, which might increase your server’s performance.
  • Pricing: HDDs are less expensive per gigabyte, making them an affordable solution for huge storage requirements.
  • Maintenance and Upgrades: Understanding your disk type allows you to plan for maintenance, backups, and prospective upgrades.

How to Check the Disk Type on a Linux Server.

If your server utilizes a Linux distribution, you can use the following ways to check the disk type:

  1. 1. Using the lsblk Command: The lsblk command lists information about all available or specified block devices. Here’s how to use it:
lsblk -o NAME,ROTA

In the output, look at the ROTA column:

  • 0 indicates an SSD (non-rotational).
  • 1 indicates an HDD (rotational).

2. Using the dmesg Command: The dmesg command prints the kernel’s message buffer. You can filter the output to get information about your disk:

dmesg | grep -i 'ssd'

If the result contains lines that reference “ssd,” you most certainly have an SSD. Similarly, searching for “hdd” can show an HDD.

3. Using the hdparm Command: The hdparm command offers a command-line interface for performing different hard drive operations. First, install hdparm if it is not already installed.

sudo apt-get install hdparm

Then execute the following command:

sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep 'Rotation Rate'

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